
There are more and more "technology" and "green" Chinese express

Date:6, 12, 2018Hits:1

How can an ordinary express package be delivered to consumers with the help of big data, artificial intelligence, drones and other high-tech services? The rapid development of China's express industry, what are the latest features, and what quality services will consumers bring?

Held in Beijing, China (Beijing) international service trade fair, the reporter visited express service area, found that China's express delivery industry is more and more with the "norm of science and technology" and "green van".

Express can be completely impersonal

In the exhibition area of express service sector, a robot attracts many visitors. The robot is the AGV (unmanned guided robot) that was used in the Beijing eight minutes of the Beijing Olympics in pingchang. It shuttles back and forth in a checkerboard-like sorting space, quickly and accurately sorting items by identifying the qr code next to each gap. The robot has a sorting efficiency of more than 5 times that of a human, and has many intelligent functions such as automatic obstacle avoidance, intelligent queuing and self-charging.

In addition to sorting robots, driverless cars and drones used for express delivery are also on display. Unmanned vehicles can be autonomous path planning according to the destination, avoid obstacles, you can also dock with the residential elevator background, automatic elevator, intelligent for door to door delivery, customers simply by scanning qr codes can be done to send and pick up. At the same time, there are also many enterprises at the scene who bring different types of uav they have developed. At present, many express companies have applied drones to deliver express goods to remote mountainous areas, rural areas and other places. In smart warehouse showrooms, the traditional "people find shelves" model of warehousing has been replaced by the automatic "people find shelves on shelves" model.

"Express delivery has entered the era of intelligence, and the whole process of impersonal operation has become a reality. This is the consensus of the participants.

Express delivery will be more convenient

The large green mailbox for roadside letters of credit has become increasingly rare and has now been replaced by a small yellow one. It is reported that 60 thousand "minions" will be laid in six major cities in China this year. Consumers will no longer have to wait for express delivery staff to come to them.

In the display area, many Courier companies shows such a scenario: if consumers don't want to go downstairs area from the container take express, then you can consider in their own homes to a miniature intelligent express mail box, consumers and the express only the WeChat small program can be realized to the inbox of binding and management: Courier through a small program and a pattern, and the owner through a small program out to take a key. In the future, express packages, take-out, milk, fresh and fresh products can be delivered directly to the front door, solving the pain point of "the last 100 meters" of express delivery, such as uncollected items in the consumer's home, uncollected items downstairs, etc.

One of the benefits of intelligence is the convenience of service. Industry insiders believe that with the improvement of intelligence and express management, consumers will enjoy more and more convenient services in the future.

The development of green express has been accelerated

Last November, the national postal service and so on ten departments jointly issued "about. We express industry guidance" green packaging work, request propulsion source management, increase green Courier service products supply, express delivery packaging resource utilization efficiency, reduce the packaging consumption, reduce environmental pollution. The large number of mailing enterprises responded positively and made a lot of beneficial attempts in green development.

In this year's express service exhibition area, the green development of express delivery is reflected in the whole chain from packaging, storage, transportation to delivery. In terms of recycling, sf and suning have all been put into use of recycling boxes. After customers pick up the goods, the delivery staff will recycle these boxes and put them back into recycling. In terms of degradability, total biodegradable packaging waste can be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water within 3 to 6 months under compost conditions without causing environmental pollution.

In addition, in the exhibition area, we can also see the tape-free cartons that can reduce the packaging time and open at the same time, the electronic sheet of paper saving and the paperless operation throughout the whole logistics process. By reducing the use of packaging and the innovation and application of green logistics technology, the "green model" of the express industry is becoming more and more obvious.

From: China logistics and purchasing network